How to use VVDI2 PSA read Peugeot Citroen PIN code

VVDI2 PSA read Peugeot Citroen PIN code:
Step 1: Open VVDI2 Quick Start, click on “Peugeot” icon, plug VVDI2 to the computer and Peugeot / Citroen.
Step 2: Click on “Read Pin code”, and get message “Turn on ignition”.
Each time switch ON ignition, switch OFF/ON times will increase 1
if the times not increase, please switch OFF ignition again, take key off ignition switch, wait above 10 seconds, then switch ON.
Repeat this procedure until the switch OFF/ON times increase 1. 

Step 3: Read out pin code successfully
Step 4: to learn key.
To have VVDI2 with PSA functions:

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