How to update VVDI Mini Keytool to version 1.1.1

VVDI Mini Key Tool 1.1.1 update instruction:


You must have Xhorse app 1.5.1

Xhorse app 1.5.1 download on App Store:

It’s version 1.0.9 before update

  1. Pls ensure the internet is good. and use your cellphone 4G if necessary
  2. It will take 7-8 minutes for update. pls ensure the device has enough power
  3. Pls ensure cellphone with a stable connection to the device

mini key tool starts firmware update…

Connecting to PC via a USB cable when updating fw

mini key tool firmware update 100%: success!

mini key tool restarts

VVDI mini key tool now is the latest version 1.1.1


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